Please help us save our local dormice...!
Dormice, one of the UK's most loved of all small creatures,are protected by law. Despite this, they have declined by more than a third since 2000. Hazel Dormice are extinct in 17 English counties. “These lovely tiny, golden-brown animals were once widespread throughout England and Wales, but have become one of Britain’s most threatened mammals due to loss and fragmentation of their woodland habitat, changes in land management and a warmer climate.
Left: Ecology students learn to survey dormice under the guidance of a licensed Dormouse handler.
MAVES call for help:
“The state of Britain’s dormice remains precarious: the population decline apparent at monitored sites continues and a changing climate makes their future uncertain. It is our aim, with your help, to contribute to the slowing down of this trend, and, ultimately to reverse it.“
MAVES is one of three groups bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative, this May and June.
Tesco's community funding scheme, awards grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores awarded to local community projects. Three have been shortlisted locally in the Arun district to receive the cash award. Shoppers in Tesco's Littlehampton Superstore, and the Rustington and Littlehampton Finisterre stores, are being invited to head along to vote for who they think should take away the top grant.
This MAVES project aims to conserve Dormice and restore their fortunes in our local area.
MAVES is a local environmental organisation which aims to record, promote and conserve our local flora and fauna. We have, in the last year, observed Hazel Dormice in the ancient woodland of both Tortington Common and Binsted Woods, near Arundel. There are 2 parts to our Dormice project. The first is to discover and record the facts about Dormice living in the Woods. The second is to encourage their spread, by adding new nest boxes.
We are a voluntary community charity and we do not have enough funds to do this without your help.
We are working with a local licensed Dormouse Surveyor and hope to be able to train one other person to gain a license.
We tell the community about what we learn through our website, social media, guided walks and talks. MAVES regularly conducts talks by experts and enthusiasts which are open to the public. One of these will be about Dormice. We are also hoping to become involved with at least one local Primary School in the coming academic year.
For further information please visit :
Voting is open for Tesco customers throughout May and June. You can cast your vote using a token given to you at the check-out each time you shop in the store.
Tesco’s Bags of Help project has already delivered over £43 million to more than 10,000 projects up and down the UK. Tesco customers get the chance to vote for three different groups every time they shop. Every other month, when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions will be awarded funding.